Lou Shipley

A multi time successful tech CEO. An inspiring teacher. A sought after board member. A trusted mentor. A popular tech-market commentator, writer and speaker.

Lou Shipley could be described as any of the above. But what makes him unique is that he is all of the above.

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Transformational leader

As CEO, Lou led Black Duck Software from a slow growth open source compliance vendor to global leadership in open source security and a $565 million acquisition in 2017.


Teacher / Mentor of the next generation of tech entrepreneurs / leaders

A lifelong entrepreneur with a sales focus throughout his career, Lou is a popular tech sales and sales management lecturer at both Harvard Business School and MIT Sloan School of Management.

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go-to-market visionary

Lou architected a revolutionary, high-velocity sales and marketing model at Black Duck that drove 400% revenue growth over four years.


Trusted Advisor

Lou’s multiple success as a tech CEO make him a sought-after board member for companies such as Wasabi, Teamworks, Fairmarkit, Alyce, CustomerGauge and Wayscript, as well as an advisor for Tomorrow.io, RapidSOS, CybelAngel, SetSail, Spoiler Alert and Rezillion.